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Achieving Professional And Educational Milestones In Nursing

by Felix Armstrong

The nursing profession is very competitive, and as such, nursing practitioners are ever looking for ways to gain a competitive edge. Pursuing a doctor of nursing degree gives a nurse practitioner additional leverage and influence for career growth. A doctorate in nursing practice equips a nurse practitioner with advanced skills that they can rely on to grow their career while impacting the nursing profession and the world positively. Furthermore, a doctor of nursing degree allows a nurse practitioner to stay updated on the latest approved practices in the health industry. Therefore, registered nurses considering the doctor of nursing practice program should expect the following benefits:

Career Growth and Employment Opportunities

A doctor of nursing degree can open many career paths and increase employment opportunities for registered nurses. Healthcare workers who would like to explore other career paths rather than work bedside can benefit greatly from attending a doctor of nursing course. For instance, a nurse practitioner can teach at all levels upon completing the course. Thus, graduating with a doctor of nursing course provides a direct opening to the teaching profession. The course also allows a nurse practitioner to integrate other professions into health and medicine. Therefore, a doctor in nursing-prepared healthcare worker can explore different fields that they feel best to exploit their medical knowledge.

Increased Nursing Self-Efficacy

A doctor of nursing program equips a healthcare worker with advanced leadership, informatics, and nursing practice skills. The accrued advanced skills can increase a nurse practitioner's career options and increase their impact in patient care. A doctor of nursing practice course equips nursing practitioners with skills applicable in many areas of the healthcare industry. For example, a nurse practitioner can use the skills they have gained to explore leadership roles in the health industry or transition to a career in informatics. Leadership roles provide patient advocacy opportunities intended to increase patients' healthcare access.

Gaining a Terminal Degree

Upon completing a doctor of nursing program, a nurse practitioner receives a terminal degree. A terminal degree is the highest degree a medical practitioner can receive. Considering the course takes a maximum of two years, a doctor of nursing program is the ideal path to the highest credentials in the nursing sector. Being part of the medical field's top percentile provides more leverage for career growth and respect from fellow practitioners. Moreover, nurse practitioners may leverage their terminal degrees to practice independently in states with unlimited scopes of practice. Independent practice guarantees increased income and professional growth, which is part of a successful career.
