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Facility Applications Training Isn't Enough To Meet Continuing Education Requirements

by Felix Armstrong

If you are a radiology technologist (RT), you will need to complete a specific number of credit hours. One way in which you can do this is by obtaining facility applications training credits in which you receive training from a medical equipment vendor on how to use their equipment. 

How Facility Applications Training Works

When you undergo facility applications training, you will learn how to use radiation therapy equipment and medical imaging equipment. However, there might be restrictions on how many credits you will be allowed to apply to your continuing education requirements. You are allowed to participate in as many training events as you want, but you will also need to obtain credits through ARRT CE courses.

How to Meet CE Requirements with a Busy Schedule

As an RT, you might find it difficult to meet your continuing education requirements while also meeting the busy demands of the clinic in which you work. Fortunately, it's much easier to meet your requirements when you take courses online. 

Online ARRT CE courses are very easy to complete because you will often receive a PDF for free. In some cases, you have to purchase a book but you're allowed to decide how you'd like to purchase it. The only thing you pay for is the online test. Once you have taken the test, you will be allowed to apply your hours.

Make Sure to Take the Right Courses

You may need to take specific courses depending on your specialty. For example, those who are certified to use the sonogram must meet credit requirements by taking courses directly related to the use of the sonogram. 

CE Courses are Flexible

When signing up for a course, it's important to know how many hours you will be receiving. In some cases, you are allowed to choose how many hours you would like to pay for if you only need to make up a certain number of hours. This is useful if you have met some of your credit hours through your facility applications training. However, you might be able to meet all of your credit hours through a single course so you can continue to work as an RT.

You are able to complete the course at your own pace and any questions you have will be answered promptly. After you have completed the course, you will be able to obtain a copy of your certificate upon request.

Reach out to a company like Get Your CEU to learn more.
