What Can You Learn Today?

  • Tips For Renewing Your Pesticide License

    29 December 2020

    If you have your pesticide license — such as if you run or work for a pest control company — then you probably know that your pesticide license will not last forever. In fact, you might even be aware of the fact that it's almost time for you to have your pesticide license renewed. If you need a little bit of advice and help, then consider the tips below. Soon, you should be able to renew your pesticide license without any issues.

  • The Better Barber

    15 July 2020

    Do you have what it takes to be a barber? Like most things, the key is to really want it and then go get it! But what you may not know is that, beyond its initial training, barbering asks ongoing development from those who study the craft. Beyond its being a requirement, continuing education is an opportunity to make yourself a true competitor in the barber shop community. First, you must ensure that barbering is at the heart of what you want to do.

  • Medical Records School And The Top Qualities Billing Professionals Need

    17 March 2020

    Are you considering medical records school? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), careers in this field are projected to grow at a much faster than average rate of 11 percent between 2018 and 2028. If medical billing school is in your future, take a look at the top qualities these healthcare professionals need. Attention to Detail One wrong number or letter and you'll enter the incorrect code. This could cost a customer money or waste the patient or doctor's office/hospital staff's time.

  • How Older Nurses Can Use Seminars To Stay Up-To-Date With Modern Advances

    11 March 2020

    Staying abreast of the latest nursing technology can be a real challenge for many. The facets of nursing keep changing all of the time, almost always for the better. However, older practitioners who haven't a lot of specialized training may struggle to keep up. Thankfully, nursing seminars can help educate them and keep them up to date.  Nursing Changes May Challenge Some Older Practitioners Experience is a huge plus in the nursing profession and helps to make the job much easier.